Monday, July 29, 2013

Panoramic view of Rio de Janeiro

If you haven't checked out Keith's travel blog it is worth a look. Velvet Escape luxury travel blog. Some fantastic travel info, images and video.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Thirty Amazing Facts About Private Jets

Here is an interesting article from David Ewalt, at called “Thirty Amazing Facts About Private Jets”.  There are some really fun facts. He definitely did some deep research. 

I especially liked number 10 about the world’s most expensive private jet. $500 Million with a
two-car garage! Now that’s a jet!  Here is a picture of it inside and out from a Vanity Fair article.

Check out the intro video I put together for can request a quote for private jet charter travel for business or personal trips right through our online quote request portal. Your request is sent directly to a U.S. based air charter specialist that will put together a custom proposal for your trip. Get a quote for domestic or international jet charter travel to over 10,000 airports worldwide.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pet Friendly Private Jet Charter

If you like to take your pets along with you when you travel make sure the private jet charter carrier you choose is pet friendly.  Private charter offers a safer and more comfortable way to take your dogs or cats along with you since they can ride right in the cabin and not in the cargo hold of a commercial airline.  I posted a Squidoo page with some things to consider. You can check it out here:

The charter partners at are all pet friendly and will happily allow you to fly with your furry friends. You can request a jet charter quote from a pet friendly carrier at our site. Pet Friendly Jet Charter 

Monday, July 22, 2013

3 Ways To Cut The Cost of Private Jet Charter

If you are finding private jet charter rates to be too expensive for you or you want to look at cost savings, there are several things you can do. Here are 3 ways to help reduce costs.

Be Flexible:

Warped clock
If you are prepared to be flexible on departure dates and locations you may be able to get better pricing. Approach a charter company directly or through a jet charter broker to find out whether they have any flights traveling to your destination willing to collect passengers. This can often be the case if they have empty legs (When an aircraft flies back to its home base or other destination without passengers). These tend to be last minute and unpredictable but charter companies will often negotiate better pricing just to offset some of the empty leg costs.  This may offer the opportunity of a reduced price deal. If you use a website like, to get a charter quote make sure you let the charter representative know that you are willing to be flexible if there is a cost savings.

Jet Sharing:

Sharring a private charter jet
Alternatively, check whether there are any flights to your destination that could accommodate additional passengers as other travelers may be happy for you to share their flight to help them spread the cost and save costs for them too. A good place to start is through a charter broker or quote portal and ask for jet sharing options. Another place to find jet sharing opportunities is through social media. Jet sharing is a growing trend in private jet charter travel as this Forbes article illustrates.

Consider Smaller Aircraft:

Beechcraft King Air plane
Another option is to consider a propeller aircraft rather than a jet - although this may make your trip longer, there is the potential for considerable savings because propeller planes tend to be more fuel efficient. This Wall Street Journal article talks about how at current oil prices props can make more sense for carriers than smaller jets.  If you are willing to be downsize your aircraft it can save you significantly and there are some very comfortable prop driven charter aircraft to choose from, like this Beechcraft King Air